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From post- +‎ (pre)judice.





postjudice (plural postjudices)

  1. An opinion or bias acquired after the fact, or after a given event.
    • 1879, Charles L. Dodgson, Euclid and his Modern Rivals, Appendix II:
      There is a mixture of good sense and of what, for want of a better name, people call prejudice: but to this mixture we owe our stability. The proper word is postjudice, a clinging to past experience, often longer than is held judicious by after times.
    • 1903, GK Chesterton, Robert Browning:
      Prejudice, in fact, is not so much the great intellectual sin as a thing which we may call, to coin a word, “postjudice,” not the bias before the fair trial, but the bias that remains afterwards.
    • 1999, Alistair Cooke, Memories of the Great and the Good:
      There is another prejudice, or post-judice rather, that may have conditioned my choice of heroes and heroines.