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Attested since 1269 until 1500. From porco (pig) +‎ -alla.





porcalla f (plural porcallas)

  1. (archaic) sow
    • 1348, Clarinda de Azevedo Maia, editor, História do galego-português, Coimbra: I.N.I.C, page 159:
      ſſete ouellas τ dous años τ ſſete cabras τ quatro cabritos τ duas porcas τ mea doutra τ hũa porcalla con ſſeus fillos τ dose patas τ treσe gallinas cõ quatorze pĩtoos
      seven sheep and two lambs and seven goats and four kids and two sows and a half and a sow with her sons and twelve ducks and thirteen hens with fourteen chicks
    • 1473, M. Romaní Martínez, edited by M. P. Rodríguez Suárez, Libro tumbo de pergamino. Un códice medieval del monasterio de Oseira, Santiago de Compostela: Tórculo, page 58:
      mays huna porcalla çebada boa
      and a god fattened sow

Derived terms



  • Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (20062018) “porcalla”, in Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega