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plåstra om

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plåster (band-aid) +‎ -a +‎ om (about)



plåstra om (present plåstrar om, preterite plåstrade om, supine plåstrat om, imperative plåstra om)

  1. to patch up (provide with medical treatment (for some less serious injury))


Conjugation of plåstra (weak)
active passive
infinitive plåstra om plåstras om
supine plåstrat om plåstrats om
imperative plåstra om
imper. plural1 plåstren om
present past present past
indicative plåstrar om plåstrade om plåstras om plåstrades om
ind. plural1 plåstra om plåstrade om plåstras om plåstrades om
subjunctive2 plåstre om plåstrade om plåstres om plåstrades om
present participle omplåstrande
past participle omplåstrad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

