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perizonial (not comparable)

  1. Relating to a perizonium.
    • 1993, P. A. Sims, Progress in Diatom Studies: Contributions to Taxonomy, Ecology and Nomenclature:
      The development of the auxospore casing involves the formation of two series of perizonial bands, transverse and longitudinal, as in other raphid diatoms that have been investigated (e.g. Rhoicosphenia Grun.: Mann 1982).
    • 2015 October 21, “Auxosporulation in Paralia guyana MacGillivary (Bacillariophyta) and Possible New Insights into the Habit of the Earliest Diatoms”, in PLOS ONE[1], →DOI:
      There, diatoms with isodiametrically growing auxospores and incunabula in their walls (one group of centrics) are separated from those growing anisodiametrically with walls containing incunabula and perizonial bands (remaining centrics and pennates; Fig 1).