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From perispirit +‎ -ic.



perispritic (not comparable)

  1. (spiritualism) Of or pertaining to the perispirit.
    Synonym: perispiritic
    • 1871, Anna Blackwell, The Philosophy of Existence[1], pages 61–2:
      In other words, just as there is no other obstacle to our advancement than that which we make for ourselves by our persistence in wrong-doing, so there is no other arbiter of our destiny than our own moral and intellectual state, which state decides, at each successive period of our career, the quality of our perispritic action on the material elements around us.
    • 1874, Count de Medina Pomar, The Honeymoon[2], volume 2, pages 173–4:
      “A Spirit” is a complex being, in which is a trinity, consisting of a soul, or inner principle of conscious and active selfhood; a permanent soul envelope (Nephesch), which I will call Perisprit, composed of the “Dynamic substance,” which is the substantiality of Magnetism and Electricity; and a changeable outer envelope, or “body,” composed of particles of Matter, attracted and held together by the magnetic action of the said Perisprit, or Spirit Body, and that will fall apart from each other, and be resolved into their original elements on the cessation of the perispritic vibrations by which they were agglomerated into form; as particles of iron, for instance, would be drawn into shape by the attractive vibrations of a magnet of any given form plunged into their midst; as we are perpetually, although unconsciously, building up for ourselves a succession of new bodies, through the magnetic processes of digestion.
    • 1881, W. F. Kirby, transl., edited by J. B. Roustaing, The Four Gospels explained by their Writers[3], page 28:
      Do you think it impossible that a perfect spirit like Jesus should be able to materialize the perispritic fluids of the superior worlds, and add and adapt the earthly fluids of which your bodies are composed to produce a tangible perispritic body, suited to his earthly mission, which should apparently represent the faculties and phases of your humanity.