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gantung +‎ peng- -an



penggantungan (plural penggantungan-penggantungan)

  1. hanging:
    1. the act of hanging a person (or oneself) by the neck in order to kill that person (or to commit suicide)
    2. the way in which hangings (decorations) are arranged
  2. suspension: the act of suspending, or the state of being suspended

Further reading






penggantungan (Jawi spelling ڤڠݢنتوڠن, plural penggantungan-penggantungan)

  1. hanging
    1. the act of hanging a person (or oneself) by the neck in order to kill that person (or to commit suicide).
    2. the way in which hangings (decorations) are arranged.
  2. suspension:
    1. the act of suspending, or the state of being suspended.
    2. (chemistry, physics) the state of a solid or substance produced when its particles are mixed with, but not dissolved in, a fluid, and are capable of separation by straining.
      Synonym: suspensi (Indonesian)
    3. the temporary barring of a person from a workplace, society, etc. pending investigation into alleged misconduct.
      Synonyms: penghentian sementara, skorsing (Indonesian)
    4. (education) the process of barring a student from school grounds as a form of punishment (particularly out-of-school suspension).
      Synonyms: penghentian sementara, skorsing (Indonesian)
  3. gallows: wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging.

Further reading
