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Chinook Jargon





  1. green, blue

Usage notes


In common with other local indigenous languages, including those of the Chinookan family, Chinuk Wawa recognizes fewer distinctions in the blue-green portion of the spectrum than English. 'kusax̣-pchix̣' (sky-pchix̣) 'blue" and 'tipsu-pchix̣' (grass-pchix̣) "green" have recently been adopted by the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde language program to bring the Chinuk Wawa terminology more in line with English.



Chinuk Wawa: Kakwa Nsayka Ulman-Tilixam Laska Munk-Kemteks Nsayka = as Our Elders Teach Us to Speak It. Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, 2012.