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From pa- (under) +‎ saule (sun). Compare Lithuanian pasaulis.



pasaule f (5th declension)

  1. world (the whole universe)
    pasaules izcelšanāsthe origin of the world
    mīts par pasaules radīšanuthe myth of the creation of the world
    pasaules telpauniverse, cosmos (lit. world space)
  2. world (that which has material existence)
    objektīvi eksistējošā pasauleobjectively existing world
  3. world (the Earth, and its inhabitants)
    apeceļot visu pasaulito travel around the world
    pasaules čempions, rekordsworld champion, record
    gūt pasaules slavuto acquire worldwide fame
    pasaules valstisthe countries of the world
    pasaules tirgusworld market
    pasaules vēsture, literatūraworld history, literature
    pasaules karšworld war
    izstāstīt visai pasauleito tell (something) to the whole world
  4. world (humanity, human society, or a part of it or its culture)
    antīkā pasaulethe Ancient World
    krīstīga pasaulethe Christian World
    kapitālistikā, sociālistikā pasaulethe capitalist, the socialist world
    mākslas, zinātnes pasaulethe world of art, of science
  5. world (a certain sphere of life or activity)
    dzīvnieku pasaulethe world of animals
    cilvēka garīga pasaulehuman spiritual world
    dzīvot sapņu pasauleto live in a dream world
    pasaules uzskatsworldview (German Weltanschauung)


Declension of pasaule (5th declension)
singular plural
nominative pasaule pasaules
genitive pasaules pasauļu
dative pasaulei pasaulēm
accusative pasauli pasaules
instrumental pasauli pasaulēm
locative pasaulē pasaulēs
vocative pasaule pasaules