See also: pasaulē
[edit]From pa- (“under”) + saule (“sun”). Compare Lithuanian pasaulis.
[edit]pasaule f (5th declension)
- world (the whole universe)
- pasaules izcelšanās ― the origin of the world
- mīts par pasaules radīšanu ― the myth of the creation of the world
- pasaules telpa ― universe, cosmos (lit. world space)
- world (that which has material existence)
- objektīvi eksistējošā pasaule ― objectively existing world
- world (the Earth, and its inhabitants)
- apeceļot visu pasauli ― to travel around the world
- pasaules čempions, rekords ― world champion, record
- gūt pasaules slavu ― to acquire worldwide fame
- pasaules valstis ― the countries of the world
- pasaules tirgus ― world market
- pasaules vēsture, literatūra ― world history, literature
- pasaules karš ― world war
- izstāstīt visai pasaulei ― to tell (something) to the whole world
- world (humanity, human society, or a part of it or its culture)
- antīkā pasaule ― the Ancient World
- krīstīga pasaule ― the Christian World
- kapitālistikā, sociālistikā pasaule ― the capitalist, the socialist world
- mākslas, zinātnes pasaule ― the world of art, of science
- world (a certain sphere of life or activity)
- dzīvnieku pasaule ― the world of animals
- cilvēka garīga pasaule ― human spiritual world
- dzīvot sapņu pasaule ― to live in a dream world
- pasaules uzskats ― worldview (German Weltanschauung)