See also: Pandoravirus
[edit]From the genus name.
[edit]pandoravirus (plural pandoraviruses)
- Any of the genus Pandoravirus of very large viruses that infect amoebas.
- 2015 June 12, Cheng Sun et al., “DNA transposons have colonized the genome of the giant virus Pandoravirus salinus”, in BMC Biology[1], volume 13, :
- To determine whether Submariner_Ps1 proliferation occurred within the P. salinus genome, or whether the multiple Submariner_Ps1 insertions resulted from independent introductions from a different genome (e.g. a viral host), we used 100 bp of immediately flanking sequence from all 30 Submariner_Ps1 insertions to query both amoeba and pandoravirus genomes using BLASTn.