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Classical Nahuatl


Alternative forms







  1. Medicine; poison.
    • 16C: Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales
      ynic pati tzitzictic ytocã tlanelhuatl nica mochioa.
    • 1565, Alonso de Molina, Confessionario breue, en lengua Mexicana y Castellana:
      Cuix timomiquitlani, aço yc otiquic ytla micouani pahtly?
      Deſeaſte te la muerte, y aeſta cauſa beuiſte beuedizos mortiferos?
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1599, Ioan Baptista, Confessionario en lengua Mexicana y Castellana:
      Acaçomo tiquimmacac inqualli pahtli inyuh intechmonequi in cocoxque?
      Porventura no les diſte buenas medicinas como lo pedia ſu enfermedad?
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Derived terms



  • Andrews, J. Richard. (2003) Workbook for Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, Revised Edition, University of Oklahoma Press, p. 244.
  • Karttunen, Frances. (1983) An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl, University of Texas Press, p. 185.
  • Lockhart, James. (2001) Nahuatl as Written, Stanford University Press, p. 229.

Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl




Cognate to Classical Nahuatl pahtli




  1. medicine.
  2. poison.