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From paš +‎ laiks (time) (perhaps originally a locative form, pašā laikā), where paš is a stem variant of pats (self), here apparently with the meaning of “exact(ly),” “direct(ly),” “outright,” “immediately.” The general meaning would have changed from “(at its) own time”, “at that time” (the latter still attested) to “at this immediate time” = “now.”[1]


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  1. now, currently; at that time (at the current moment)
    pašlaik viņš ir atvaļinājumāhe is currently on holiday
    viņš pašlaik ir izgājishe is not here now (lit. he is now gone)
    es to pašlaik nevaru atcerētiesI can't remember it right now
    pašlaik lietus nelīstit is currently not raining
    kad skolotājs dziedātājus atlaida, saule jau pašlaik taisījās rietētwhen the teacher dismissed the students, the sun was already then (= at that time)




  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “pašlaik”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN