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See also: panda, Panda, and pandã





From Proto-Finnic *pandak.[1]






  1. (transitive) to put, place
  2. (transitive) to lay down (the rules, etc.), decide
  3. (transitive) to take for, consider for
  4. (transitive) to plant (a punch, etc.)
  5. (transitive) to put, make
    • Tiit-Rein Viitso, Valts Ernštreits (2012–2013), Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōntõz, Tartu, Rīga: TÜ, LVA
      kieudõn paņ suoļm tutkāmõ, algõ ta läkkõ lebbõ
      [they] put a knot at the end of the rope so that it doesn't pass through [the hole]
  6. (transitive) to screw, engage in sexual intercourse
    • Tiit-Rein Viitso, Valts Ernštreits (2012–2013), Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōntõz, Tartu, Rīga: TÜ, LVA
      lǟb tämmõn īņõ vȱlgõd sizzõl, nei ka nei panāb
      went with her in straw (~ haystack?), one way or another screwed [her]
  7. (intransitive) to plant (oneself) on (something), throw (oneself) at (something), lunge at (something)
  8. (auxiliary) to make, force


Conjugation of pānda (12)
infinitive pānda supine panmõ active participle pand
gerund pandsõ supine abessive panmõt passive participle pandõd
singular (ikšlug) plural (pǟgiņlug)
1st person
(ežmi pärsōn)
2nd person
(tuoi pärsōn)
3rd person
(kuolmõz pärsōn)
1st person
(ežmi pärsōn)
2nd person
(tuoi pärsōn)
3rd person
(kuolmõz pärsōn)
indicative ma sa ta mēg tēg ne
panāb panād panāb panmõ pant panbõd
paņ paņt paņ paņmõ paņtõ paņtõ
līb pand līd pand līb pand līm(õ) pannõd līt(õ) pannõd lībõd pannõd
ma sa ta mēg tēg ne
äb pan äd pan äb pan äb panmõ ät pantõ äb pantõ
iz pan izt pan iz pan iz panmõ izt pantõ izt pantõ
äb pand äd pand äb pand äb līm(õ) pannõd ät līt(õ) pannõd äb līt(õ) pannõd
(sa) (mēg) (tēg)
imperative 1 pan! 1 (pangõm!)2 pangid! 1
imperative negative 3 alā pan! 3 (algõm pangõm!)2 algid pangid! 3
ma sa ta mēg tēg ne
conditional panks pankst panks panksmõ pankstõ pankstõ
conditional negative äb panks äd pankst äb panks äb panksmõ ät pankstõ äb pankstõ
jussive pangõ pangõ pangõ pangõd pangõd pangõd
jussive negative algõ pangõ algõ pangõ algõ pangõ algõd pangõd algõd pangõd algõd pangõd
quotative paņņi paņņi paņņi paņņid paņņid paņņid
debitive minnõn sinnõn tämmõn mäddõn täddõn näntõn
um panmõst um panmõst um panmõst um panmõst um panmõst um panmõst

1 imperative-like constructions possible with laz (so that) + jussive: laz ma/ta pangõ, laz ne pangõd
2 rare, using indicative present more common, laz + jussive construction possible: laz mēg pangõd
3 possible to imply an indirect request by using jussive negative: algõ ma/ta pangõ, algõd ne pangõd


  1. ^ panema”, in [ETY] Eesti etümoloogiasõnaraamat [Estonian Etymological Dictionary] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation), 2012