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Etymology 1


From organo- (organic) +‎ -sol (soil).



organosol (plural organosols)

  1. A histosol, a soil comprising chiefly organic material.
    • 1990, University of Michigan Southeast Asia Business Education and Resources Program, Southeast Asia Business, Issues 12-23, page 25,
      On the other hand, in many parts of Kalimantan the climate is similar, and it also has large areas of yellow-red podsolic and organosol soils, which although having a rather low fertility, are suitable for some tree crops.
    • 2000, A. Clough, I. P. G. Widjaja-Adhi, J. Sri Adidingsih, A. Kosno, S. Fukai, “Characterizing soil phosphorus and potassium status in lowland and upland rice-cropping regions of Indonesia”, in T. P. Tuong, editor, Characterizing and Understanding Rainfed Environments, page 171:
      Organosols, alluvials, and Latosols are also prevalent particularly in the coastal swamp lands in Sumatra that have been developed as part of the transmigration program (Widjaja-Adhi et al 1996).
    • 2004, Neil McKenzie, Australian Soils and Landscapes: An Illustrated Compendium, page 288:
      Most Organosols are wet soils and many have long been known as peats. [] Some of the less acidic Organosols in southern Australia have been drained and sown to pastures for dairying or used for intensive vegetable growing.
See also

Etymology 2


From organo- (organic) +‎ sol (colloid).



organosol (plural organosols)

  1. A sol (colloid) comprising solid particles in an organic continuous medium.
    • 1969, Harold A. Sarvetnick, Polyvinyl Chloride, page 207:
      With a suitable undercoating, the top coat may consist of an organosol or plastisol which is free from modifying resins.
    • 1999, Yoshikazu Tanabe, Macromolecular Science and Engineering: New Aspects, page 126:
      By the use of metal carbonyls, which are highly soluble in many organic solvents, metal organosols are obtained by thermal decomposition of the metal carbonyls.
    • 2006, Gleb Borisovich Sergeev, Nanochemistry, page 62:
      The spectrum of Pb–MA[lead methylacrylate] organosols was characterized by the presence of the absorption band of lead plasmon with the maximum at ~220 nm.
See also





Borrowed from French organosol.



organosol m (plural organosoli)

  1. organosol


Declension of organosol
singular plural
indefinite definite indefinite definite
nominative-accusative organosol organosolul organosoli organosolii
genitive-dative organosol organosolului organosoli organosolilor
vocative organosolule organosolilor