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Low German




From op- +‎ kamen.



opkamen (past keem op, past participle opkamen, auxiliary verb wesen)

  1. to come into use, to arise
  2. to rise up; to come up
  3. to stand up
  4. to pay for


Conjugation of opkamen (class 3 strong verb, separable)
infinitive opkamen
main clause subordinate clause
present preterite present preterite
1st person singular kaam op keem op opkaam opkeem
2nd person singular kümmst op keemst op opkümmst opkeemst
3rd person singular kümmt op keem op opkümmt opkeem
plural kaamt op kemen op opkaamt opkemen
singular kaam op
plural kaamt op
present past
participle opkamen opkamen

Note: This conjugation is one of many.
Neither its grammar nor spelling apply to all dialects.

Further reading

  • Plattmakers.de: [1]