open play

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open play (plural open plays)

  1. (sports, especially soccer and rugby) The period of play outside set pieces; the phase where possession can change by passing and tackling.
    • 2010 November 2, Phil Merrick, Bleed White: The fall and rise of Leeds United... to be continued, AuthorHouse, →ISBN:
      We've struggled to score goals in open play since early March which contributed to our promotion hopes falling away last season.
    • 2015 August 27, Gavin Hickie, Eilidh Donaldson, Rugby Revealed: Reaching Your Rugby Potential, Bloomsbury Publishing, →ISBN, page 222:
      A dropped goal is a kick at goal in open play and can be taken from anywhere on the pitch and by any player within the team.
    • 2020 August 6, Steve Leach, Twenty Football Towns, Saraband, →ISBN:
      Orient's tended to result from set pieces, whilst Ebbsfleet's came from open play.