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From omni- +‎ wisdom.



omniwisdom (uncountable)

  1. (very rare) The ability of total, unlimited wisdom.
    • 1935, Ernst Bergmann, The Great Ideas of the German Religion[1], page 4:
      We can say nothing greater and more beautiful about this God than that he was fully human, that is, a being without omniscience and omniwisdom, but with that half-knowledge that man has, and that longing and painful search for what can never be achieved all knowledge.
    • 2007, A. W. Tozer, The Attributes of God Volume 2: Deeper into the Father's Heart[2], Moody Publishers, →ISBN, page None:
      But when we come to the word wisdom, the word-makers never got around to making such a word. We haven't any such word as "omniwisdom".
    • 2017, Frater Ponderator, Individualism[3], Mass Media Publications, page 30:
      The Individualists realize that the highest possible goal is the achievement of Omniwealth, which is all things and thus the infinite experience. The most efficient vector to attain this is one line that ties all individual units of wealth together in their most efficient order effortlessly accumulating them all in that order up to the last unit. It is Omniwisdom. In this light all other goals and vectors are "less wise" to varying degrees.