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ochlospecies (plural ochlospecies)

  1. (taxonomy) A taxonomic species concept characterized by large amounts of variation that is not correlated with geography or ecology; usually geographically widespread and having variants that may be consistently distinguishable locally but not globally.
    • 1998, Camilla R. Huxley, Chorology, Taxonomy and Ecology of the Floras of Africa and Madagascar:
      Ochlospecies are usually geographically and ecologically widespread, occurring in several climatic and vegetation zones ('ecological and chorological transgressors' of White ).
    • 2011, Walter Carson, Tropical Forest Community Ecology:
      The existence of “swarms” of related species or subspecies with near-complete combinations of morphological traits (“ochlospecies”; White 1962, Cronk 1999) may indicate that the terminal phylogenetic structure of some tropical tree lineages may actually be highly reticulate.