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Perfect passive participle of oblongō, oblongāre (to make oblong) (New Latin, rarely used in other forms), from oblongus (rather long, oblong).





oblongātus (feminine oblongāta, neuter oblongātum); first/second-declension participle (New Latin)

  1. oblong (mostly used in medulla oblongāta)
    • c. 1484-1496, Paul Walther von Guglingen, Itinerarium, Neuburg MS p. 211:
      Nota tamen quod terra sancta sit in spera orbiculari, sed quantum ad regiones describuntur inicia et termini terre sancte isto modo. Sed tamen in se est oblongata.
      Note, however, that the Holy Land is in a round circle (spera orbiculari), but concerning the regions, the beginnings, and the borders of the Holy Land are described in this way. But in itself it is oblong.The Holy Land in Observant Franciscan Texts (c. 1480–1650):Theology, Travel, and Territoriality, by Marianne P. Ritsema van Eck, 2019, page 49
    • 1664, Bernhardus Swalve, Querelae et Opprobria Ventriculi..., page 16:
      Corporum quidem varietas eam variat: rotunda quoque et sphaerica, sed oblongata paululum ad dexteram Figura mea respondet: substantia sane corrugabilis, et extensibilis amplexandis contentis accomoda est.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1850, Alexander Messerschmidt, Observationes de operationibus chiloplasticis, praesertim in labiis cancrosis, page 32:
      Mutui panni, recuperati ex inferiore buccarum cute, forma quadrata sed oblongata, e mandibula subsecando soluti, ad lineam medianam deinde protracti quatuor suturis circumvolutis inter se connectebantur.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)



First/second-declension adjective.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative oblongātus oblongāta oblongātum oblongātī oblongātae oblongāta
Genitive oblongātī oblongātae oblongātī oblongātōrum oblongātārum oblongātōrum
Dative oblongātō oblongātō oblongātīs
Accusative oblongātum oblongātam oblongātum oblongātōs oblongātās oblongāta
Ablative oblongātō oblongātā oblongātō oblongātīs
Vocative oblongāte oblongāta oblongātum oblongātī oblongātae oblongāta