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Alternative forms




From Old Galician-Portuguese nemigalla (literally not a crumb). Cognate with Portuguese nemigalha.






  1. (dated) nothing; nothing at all; absolutely nothing
    • 1273, E. Duro Peña, editor, Documentos da catedral de Ourense, Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, page 337:
      e renunço todas razoes e todas excepsoes e todo dereyto que non aya ende nen-un por min par nunqua yr contra este prazo nen le possa dizer nemigalla
      I renounce every reason and every exception and every right; that never can be one that in my name could go against this charter, nor could they say nothing [against it]
    • 1417, M. Lucas Álvarez, P. Lucas Domínguez, editors, El monasterio de San Clodio do Ribeiro en la Edad Media: estudio y documentos, Sada / A Coruña: Edicións do Castro, page 578:
      que os que morauan en a dita pousa que nunca desto pagaron ni migalla
      that the ones living in said place that of this never paid nothing at all
    • 1779, Diego Antonio Cernadas y Castro, Obras en prosa y verso del Cura de Fruime (vol. III), Madrid: Joachin Ibarra, 305-318, page 316:
      Por eles sabemos nós tendes estados, e rendas con regalías tremendas, mais todo esto é nimigalla
      Because of them we know that you have estates, and rents, and tremendous royalties, but all of this is nothing
    Synonyms: nada, ren, res

