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Old Spanish


Alternative forms




Inherited from Vulgar Latin *nevis, from Latin nix (snow).





nieue f (plural nieues)

  1. snow
    • c. 1250, Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 12v:
      De color es muy blanca tanto q̃ ſemeia pedaço de nieue elada ⁊ no a claridat ni la paſſa el uiso.
      It is very white in color, so that is looks like a piece of frozen snow; and it has no transparency, nor can one see through it.
    • Idem, f. 96r.
      Et la uertud della es atal q̃ si la puſierẽ en logar do fazẽ danno lluuias o nieues, tuelle lo.
      And one of its virtues is such that if were placed where the rain or the snow cause harm, it stops it.


  • Spanish: nieve