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  1. Misspelling of nēminem.
    • 1585, Cornelius Schulting, Confessio Hieronymiana ex omnibus germanis B. Hieronymi operibus optima fide collecta..., page 298:
      Neminum patrum habere parem cum scripturis authoritatem
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1886, CHS. C. de Lorimier, La bibliothèque du Code civil de la province de Québec..., volume 15, Montreal: Cadieux & Derome, page 387:
      Sabinus, in re communi neminum dominorum jure facere quicquam, invito altero, posse.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1891, Л. Шепелевичъ, Апокрифическое "Видѣніе Св. Павла", page 41:
      Forte tamen vox εἶδε non per novit sed agnovit cum Valesio reddendum est, ut sensus sit: Neminum veterum agnovisse, hoc est pro genuino habuisse illum librum.
      Perhaps, however, the word εἶδε should be rendered with Valesius not by “knew” but by “acknowledged”, so that the meaning would be: that none of the ancients acknowledged, that is recognized as genuine, this book.
    • 1923 [1922], Krishnan J., “Civil Revision Petition No. 673 of 1922. M Krishnaji Reddiar–petitioner. v Muthuveera Reddiar and another–Respondents.”, in The Madras Weekly Notes (overall work in English), Madras: N. R. K. Tatachariar, page 199:
      To appply the maxim Actus curiae neminum gravabit; it must be proved that the failure to comply with the rule of law was due to the action of the Court and not to any default of the party.