- Misspelling of nēminem.
- 1585, Cornelius Schulting, Confessio Hieronymiana ex omnibus germanis B. Hieronymi operibus optima fide collecta..., page 298:
- Neminum patrum habere parem cum scripturis authoritatem
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 1886, CHS. C. de Lorimier, La bibliothèque du Code civil de la province de Québec..., volume 15, Montreal: Cadieux & Derome, page 387:
- Sabinus, in re communi neminum dominorum jure facere quicquam, invito altero, posse.
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 1891, Л. Шепелевичъ, Апокрифическое "Видѣніе Св. Павла", page 41:
- Forte tamen vox εἶδε non per novit sed agnovit cum Valesio reddendum est, ut sensus sit: Neminum veterum agnovisse, hoc est pro genuino habuisse illum librum.
- Perhaps, however, the word εἶδε should be rendered with Valesius not by “knew” but by “acknowledged”, so that the meaning would be: that none of the ancients acknowledged, that is recognized as genuine, this book.
- 1923 [1922], Krishnan J., “Civil Revision Petition No. 673 of 1922. M Krishnaji Reddiar–petitioner. v Muthuveera Reddiar and another–Respondents.”, in The Madras Weekly Notes (overall work in English), Madras: N. R. K. Tatachariar, page 199:
- To appply the maxim Actus curiae neminum gravabit; it must be proved that the failure to comply with the rule of law was due to the action of the Court and not to any default of the party.