See also: neitralitātē
[edit]From neitrāls (“neutral”) + -itāte. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from other European languages.
[edit]neitralitāte f (5th declension)
- (politics) neutrality (the non-participation or non-interference of a state in the conflicts of other states and the preservation of peaceful relations with them)
- neitralitāte karā ― neutrality in the war
- pastāvīgā neitralitāte ― permanent neutrality
- miera saglabāšanā Eiropas ziemeļos pozitīva loma ir Zviedrijas neitralitātes politikai ― Sweden's policy of neutrality has a positive role in the preservation of peace in Northern Europe
- neutrality (non-interference in the conflicts and affairs of other people)
- radinieku iejaukšanās strīdā nodara tikai ļaunumu... ja laulātie sāk strīdēties un tuviniekiem nav kur aiziet, tad labāk “izlikties akliem un kurliem”, lai tikai saglabātu neitralitāti ― the interference of relatives in (couples') fights causes only harm... if the spouses begin to fight and those nearby have nowhere to go, then (it is) better to “pretend to be blind and deaf,” so as to at least preserve (one's) neutrality
- neutrality (indifference, passive attitude (e.g., in a debate); refusal to take sides)
- politiska neitralitāte ― political neutrality
- divu pasaules uzskatu cīņā nevar būt vietas neitralitātei un kompromisiem ― in the fight between two worlds there can be no place for neutrality and compromise
- kodoltermiskā kara novēršanas jautājumā nevar būt neitralitātes ― there can be no neutrality in the question of thermonuclear warfare
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | neitralitāte | — |
genitive | neitralitātes | — |
dative | neitralitātei | — |
accusative | neitralitāti | — |
instrumental | neitralitāti | — |
locative | neitralitātē | — |
vocative | neitralitāte | — |