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Blend of negative +‎ mile, equivalent to nega- +‎ mile. Compare negawatt.



negamile (plural negamiles)

  1. A proposed unit of saved travel, equivalent to one mile not travelled.
    • 1992 July, Popular Science, volume 241, number 1, page 96:
      [I]nstead of tolls, he talks about negamiles — paying people to stay off the roads, so they needn't be built and mended so much. So far, however, no negamile programs exist []
    • 1999, Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution, page 281:
      By creating markets in negamiles and negatrips, society could discover what it's worth to pay people to stay off the roads []

