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na- (atelic, circuital) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -∅- (classifier)-baah (continuative imperfective stem of root -BAAʼ, “to raid”).



naabaah (intransitive)

  1. he/she is going around raiding
  2. he/she is at war, is fighting, is in combat



Paradigm: Continuative (∅/si).

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person naashbaah neiibaah nideiibaah
2nd person nanibaah naahbaah nidaahbaah
3rd person naabaah nidaabaah
4th person nijibaah nidajibaah
perfective singular duoplural plural
1st person nisébaaʼ nisiibaaʼ nidasiibaaʼ
2nd person nisíníbaaʼ nisoobaaʼ nidasoobaaʼ
3rd person naazbaaʼ nidaazbaaʼ
4th person nijizbaaʼ nidajizbaaʼ
future singular duoplural plural
1st person ndeeshbah ndiibah ndadiibah
2nd person ndííbah ndoohbah ndadoohbah
3rd person ndoobah ndadoobah
4th person nizhdoobah ndazhdoobah

Derived terms
