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multi- +‎ string



multistring (not comparable)

  1. Having multiple strings (any sense).
    • 1985, L. A. Melentiev, Unified Gas Supply System of the USSR, page 127:
      Multistring gas pipeline systems appeared at this stage of gas mainline construction in connections with the increase in gas flows.
    • 2014, Chuanfu Chen, Ronald Larsen, Library and Information Sciences: Trends and Research, page 121:
      A biologically complex multistring network model was designed to observe the evolution and transmission dynamics of ARV resistance (Smith et al. 2010).
    • 2015, Gary E. McPherson, The Child as Musician: A handbook of musical development, page 569:
      Centurio Balikoowa, a performer of the ntongooli (a multistring bowl-lyre) of Uganda, recalled beginning his musical education by playing musical games as early as 3 years of age (Barz, 2004).
    • 2020, Ashok L. Kumar, S.Albert Alexander, Madhuvanthani Rajendran, Power Electronic Converters for Solar Photovoltaic Systems, page 159:
      Among multilevel inverters, multistring inverter topology requires less number of switches and DC sources compared with the cascaded two level inverter.
    • 2022, Debra N. Mancoff, Making A Masterpiece: The Stories Behind Iconic Artworks, page 165:
      When they married on 21 August 1929, her wedding ensemble mixed contemporary style –a flowing, patterned dress with ruffled flounces – with such indigenous accessories as a multistring Aztec jade necklace (a gift from Rivera) and a rebozo (shawl), which some sources claim was borrowed from her family's housekeeper.



multistring (plural multistrings)

  1. (physics, string theory) One of Multiple simultaneously vibrating strings.
    • 2000, The Journal of High Energy Physics, page 26:
      We have conjectured that D-particles at D-brane intersections form multistrings and that these multistrings are the relevant degrees of freedom of black holdes formed from these intersections.
    • 2012, Norma G. Sànchez, Antonino Zichichi, String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale, page 16:
      Multistrings has been found for all inflationary spacetimes [15] but not in FRW universes.
    • 2021, Michio Kaku, The God Equation:
      Very quickly, this formula was generalized to a whole army of equations, representing the scattering of multistrings.
  2. (programming, data structures) A data structure that represents multiple text strings.
    • 2003, Michael Beam, James Davidson, Cocoa in a Nutshell:
      The AIM screen name of person as a multistring with two labels: kABAIMWorkLabel, and kABAIMHomeLabel
    • 2006, Guy Hart-Davis, Mastering Windows XP Home Edition, page 320:
      Multistring values are relatively simple to edit.
    • 2008, Niels da Vitoria Lobo, Takis Kasparis, Michael Georgiopoulos, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, page 432:
      After that, two possibilities are offered: the first is to recover a string by thresholding the multistring and the second is to transform the Pattern Recognition algorithm that uses the median to use multistrings instead of strings.
  3. (CAD) A component of a model representing multiple parallel strings or lines.
    • 1979, Gerald Musgrave, Computer Aided Design of Digital Electronic Circuits and Systems, page 16:
      Techniques such as multistrings (highways, buses etc ) and macrosymbols reduce the drawing and data entry problems and hence save time, reduce errors, and show better logcal flow.
    • 1981, European Conference on Electronic Design Automation, page 147:
      When there is a good deal of repetition in a logic design, such as in the data flow of a large computer, the multistring and multisymbol features of RMOD have enabled designs to be captured on between 1/2 and 2/3 the number of diagrams previouosly needed.
    • 2003, SPE Drilling & Completion, page 234:
      Multistring computer modeling of APB effects on all annuli proved invaluable in the design process.
  4. A musical instrument designed to have multiple strings played simultaneously.
    • 1991, Experimental Musical Instruments - Volumes 7-8, page 21:
      This brings up another limitation of multistrings; that when one attaches more []
    • 2011, Fernando Arenas, Lusophone Africa: Beyond Independence, page 93:
      Mayra is accompanied by a multinational group of superb musicians featuring the Cape Verdean multistring player Kim Alves, the virtuoso Malagasy accordionist Régis Gizavo (who also accompanies Lura in her albums), Cameroonian bass player Étienne Mbappé, and a group of remarkable Brazilian musicians playing a host of percussion and stringed instruments, []
    • 2015, Richard A. Lupoff, Sacred Locomotive Flies:
      Even in the huge cabin of the Boeing the microcircuit superamps built into the bodies of the sax and multistring produced a deafening volume of sound, bouncing Pat Plaf and Freddie Fong Fine off their padded lounger and onto their rumps.