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See also: muļķībā





From muļķis (stupid person) +‎ -ība.



muļķība f (4th declension)

  1. (chiefly in the singular) foolishness, folly, stupidity (the quality of one who is stupid, foolish)
    ciest savas muļķības dēļto suffer because of one's foolishness
    parādīt savu muļķībuto show one's stupidity
  2. foolishness, folly, stupidity (behavior, action, words that express lack of intelligence)
    izdarīt lielu muļķībuto do a big stupidity, a stupid thing
    runāt, rakstīt muļķībasto say, to write stupidities
    Ansim Gulbim likās, ka ir tīrā muļķība rūpēties, lai lasītāju rokās nonāk labas grāmatasit seemed to Ansis Gulbim that it is pure folly to work so that good books would come to the readers' hands
  3. unimportant thing; nonsense, rubbish
    “paņemšu līdzi arī šļirces ar ampulām pret čūsku kodieniem” - “muļķības! vai tad nu tik traki būs!” — “I will also take along syringes and vials against snake bites” - “nonsense! don't be so crazy!”



