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See also: morale and morālē





Via other European languages, ultimately borrowed from Latin mōrālis.



morāle f (5th declension)

  1. morality (historically determined system of norms, rules, and principles that regulate human action in society and in relation to other people)
    reliģiskā morālereligious morality
    darba morālework morality
    ģimenes morālefamily morality
    profesionālā morāleprofessional morality
    starptautisko attiecību morālemorality of international relations
    morāles kritērijs, princips, normasmoral criterion, principle, norms
    morāles prasībasmoral requirements
  2. moral, lesson (ethical conclusion, significance, teaching of something)
    stāsta, fabulas morālethe moral of the story, of the fable
    notikuma morālethe moral, lesson of the incident


Declension of morāle (5th declension)
singular plural
nominative morāle morāles
genitive morāles morāļu
dative morālei morālēm
accusative morāli morāles
instrumental morāli morālēm
locative morālē morālēs
vocative morāle morāles