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From model +‎ -ic.





modèlic (feminine modèlica, masculine plural modèlics, feminine plural modèliques)

  1. model, exemplary (worthy of being a model)
    • 2023 January 7, Jordi Nopca, “¿Per què ha costat tant poder tornar a llegir 'Els tres mosqueters' en català? [Why has it been so hard to read "The Three Musketeers" again in Catalan?]”, in Ara[1]:
      "Els mosqueters són molt imperfectes –explica Jordi Rourera–. Són borratxos, s'aprofiten de les dones tant com poden... no són modèlics en res, però cauen bé als lectors".
      "The musketeers are very imperfect," explains Jordi Rourera. "They're drunks, they take advantage of women as often as they can... They're not exemplary at anything, but readers like them."

Further reading
