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From mega- +‎ ripple.


  • (UK, US) IPA(key): /ˈmɛɡəˈɹɪp(ə)l/, IPA(key): /ˈˈmeɪɡəˈɹɪp(ə)l/
  • Hyphenation: me‧ga‧rip‧ple



megaripple (plural megaripples)

  1. A giant ripple, typically of sand exposed to tidal action.
    • 1963, Paul Edwin Potter, Paleocurrents and Basin Analysis[1], Brisbane, Queensland Museum, page 260:
      Generally these undulations are less than 1 meter long. Van Straaten (1953, p. 1—2) used the term megaripple for ripple marks with wave lengths (fig. 4-13) greater than 1 meter.
    • 1973, Selected Water Resources Abstracts 1973-08-15: Volume 6 Issue 16[2], Superintendent of Government Documents, page 27:
      Orientations of megaripple and sandwave crestline appear to be controlled by the mean current direction.
    • 1990, Ronald Hamlyn-Harris, Memoirs of the Queensland Museum[3], Brisbane, Queensland Museum, page 260:
      The epifauna of megaripples: species adaptations and population responses to disturbance.