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Old Spanish




From Late Latin mīrābilia, based on Latin mīrābilis (wonderful).





marauilla f (plural marauillas)

  1. wonder, marvel
    • c. 1250, Alfonso X, Lapidario, 2r:
      Et es grand marauilla que el fierro que uence todos los otros metales por fortaleza que a en ſi uence lo eſta piedra por ſu p̃p̃edat.
      And it is a great wonder that iron, which defats all other metals due to the strength it has, is defeated by this stone due to its property.
    • Idem, f. 45r.
      De natura es fria et ſeca. ⁊ las ſus uertudes son contrarias a ſu natura. ⁊ eſta es una delas grãdes marauillas que ſon falladas en las uertudes que an las coſas en ſi natural miente.
      And it is cold and dry in nature, and its virtues are contrary to its nature; and this is one of the great wonders that are found in the virtues things have naturally within them.


  • Ladino: maraviya
  • Spanish: maravilla