manco a dirlo

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Literally, much less to say it.



manco a dirlo

  1. (idiomatic, informal) needless to say
    • 2020 October 2, Anna Lombardi, “Stati Uniti, Trump e Melania positivi al coronavirus. Nyt: caso finora lieve "ma con sintomi" [United States, Trump and Melania positive for the coronavirus. NYT: until now minor case "but with symptoms"]”, in la Repubblica[1]:
      Sia martedì che mercoledì aveva volato al fianco del presidente – manco a dirlo, senza mascherina - accompagnandolo prima a Cleveland, Ohio, dove si è tenuto il primo dibattito televisivo di questa campagna 2020.
      Both Tuesday and Wednesday she had flown at the President's side – needless to say, without a mask - accompanying him first to Cleveland, Ohio, where the first televised debate of this 2020 campaign was held.

