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  1. Obsolete spelling of making.
    • 1637, Henry Hexham, A True and Briefe Relation of the Famous Seige of Breda: Beseiged, and Taken in [], Delft: [] James Moxon, [], pages 1–2:
      to wit, the French and the walloons, makeing one and fifty foote Companies, commanded by Coronell Hauteriue: The English[sic] whoſe meeting was firſt at Bergen op Zoom, makeing with the Lord of Brederodes Regiment, & Count Solmes his Regiment 55. Companies, commanded by my Lord Morgan, and Count Wlliams[sic] Lord Marshall of the feild, conſiſting of 5 dutch Regiments, and three Scotch, makeing in all 63 companies, beſide the Horſe, ordered alſo into three Tercias, vidz. The Lord of Stakenbroecks, Lieutenant Geneall of the Horſe. The Duke of Bouillons, & Count Stirums Commiſſary of the Horſe, makeing in all ſome 40 troupes.
    • 1661, Giles Collier, “To His Beloved Friends, and Neighbours, the Inhabitants of Blockley Parish”, in The Taking Away of Righteous & Merciful Persons Must Be Taken to Heart, Applied in a Sermon at the Funeralls of Mris Anne-Mary Child. [], Oxford: [] William Hall:
      If your own hearts accuſe, condemne any of you, for loving darknes rather then light, becauſe your deeds are evil, for preferring Corne and wine, before the light of God’s Countenance, for makeing light of Chriſt, and everlaſting happines: and makeing proviſion for the fleſh, to fulfil the luſts of it; if your own hearts condemne you for theſe things, remember, God is greater then your hearts, and knoweth all things.
    • 1675, William Okeley, Eben-ezer: or, a Small Monument of Great Mercy Appearing in the Miraculous Deliverance of William Okeley, John Anthony, William Adams, John Jephs, John — Carpenter, [][1], London: [] Nat[haniel] Ponder, []:
      Makeing the boat & their Eſcape to Mayork
  2. Misspelling of making.