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mör (tender) +‎ bulta (pound)



mörbulta (present mörbultar, preterite mörbultade, supine mörbultat, imperative mörbulta)

  1. (rare) to tenderize meat by pounding it
    Synonym: möra
  2. to bruise up, to pummel
    Mörbulta honom, Mats!
    Bruise him up, Mats!
  3. (in the past participle "mörbultad") sore, tender
    Han kände sig mörbultad efter en dag i skidbacken med flera fall
    He felt really sore after a day on the ski slopes with several falls


Conjugation of mörbulta (weak)
active passive
infinitive mörbulta mörbultas
supine mörbultat mörbultats
imperative mörbulta
imper. plural1 mörbulten
present past present past
indicative mörbultar mörbultade mörbultas mörbultades
ind. plural1 mörbulta mörbultade mörbultas mörbultades
subjunctive2 mörbulte mörbultade mörbultes mörbultades
present participle mörbultande
past participle mörbultad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

