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From Latin longus (long) + -metry.



longimetry (uncountable)

  1. The measurement of length.
    • 1715, George Cheyne, “The Proofs for the Being of a God, Arising from the Contemplation of the Humane Structure”, in Philosophical Principles of Religion: Natural and Revealed: [] Philosophical Principles of Natural Religion. Part I. [], 2nd edition, London: [] George Strahan [], →OCLC, § XLV, page 350:
      Beſides, vve cou'd not diſtinguiſh the diſtance of Objects by one Eye, for our tvvo Eyes are like tvvo different Stations in Longimetry, by the aſſiſtance of vvhich, the diſtance betvveen tvvo Objects is meaſured.

Further reading


