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little Johnny

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Proper noun


little Johnny

  1. An archetypal child in the context of the education system.
    • 1950, California Journal of Secondary Education, volume 25, page 335:
      Obviously, few counselors would sit idly by while little Johnny became a bandit. To do so would be socially unethical and indeed would violate the very philosophy of teaching.
    • 2013, Jillian Smart, Parent Support: 30 Ways to Support Your Child's Education:
      First, create a "board" titled Johnny's Education, for example. Then, search for the items that will help you support little Johnny's educational needs, and pin them to your Johnny's Education board.
    • 2013, Mike Gallagher, 50 Things Liberals Love to Hate, page 210:
      Schools insist that everything is under their purview—what your kids eat, what they believe, what they say on the playground. Because as long as the school system is doing everything, maybe you won't notice that little Johnny can't read.