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liparocele (plural liparoceles)

  1. (rare, obsolete, medicine) A fatty tumor or cyst.
    • 1809, Bartholomew Parr, The London Medical Dictionary[1]:
      The liparocele, which Morgagni calls steatocele, a fatty swelling of the cellular membrane which surrounds the scrotum and testes; and the lipomphalus, a fatty hernia of the umbilicus, are of this kind.
    • 1830, Pierre Auguste Béclard, Elements of General Anatomy[2]:
      On the exterior of the serous membranes their figure is generally ovoid, one of their extremities being attached to the membrane, the other to the skin; outside the peritoneum this tumour constitutes the fatty hernia or liparocele.
    • 1831, Adolph Wilhelm Otto, A Compendium of Human and Comparative Pathological Anatomy[3]:
      For example, on the neck and face of anencephalous monsters, from great flow of blood into the carotis facialis, with diminution or closure of the carotis cerebralis—in the belly—in the spermatic cord (the so called liparocele,)—in the cellular tissue under the skin, (compare below lipomata,)—-near cancerous tumours, &c.