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Lithuanian Wikipedia has an article on:
Wikipedia lt
Lietuvininkai (2) buvo iš Mažosios Lietuvos. —
Prussian Lithuanians were from Lithuania Minor.
Lietuvininkų (2) tautinis kostiumas
Prussian Lithuanian national costume

Alternative forms




From Lietuva +‎ -ininkas. Originally meant simply "Lithuanian", but over time the term lietuvis became popular in Lithuania proper, while lietuvininkas became established among ethnic Lithuanians in neighboring Prussian- and German-ruled territories (Lithuania Minor). In modern usage, the word refers specifically to the latter ethnographic/historic group.



lietùvininkas m (plural lietùvininkai, feminine lietùvininkė) stress pattern 1

  1. (archaic) Synonym of lietuvis (a Lithuanian)
  2. a Prussian Lithuanian (an ethnic Lithuanian from the territory of East Prussia)
  3. (rare) a Lithuanian who is particularly concerned about Lithuanian issues





Further reading
