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kosmiskais ātrums

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kosmiskais ātrums m (1st declension)

  1. (astrophysics) escape velocity (minimum speed at which a moving body no longer falls down in a gravitational field (especially the Earth's))
    pirmais kosmiskais ātrumsfirst escape velocity (minimum speed at which a body can move around the Earth in a stable orbit)
    otrais kosmiskais ātrumssecond escape velocity (minimum speed at which a body completely overcomes the Earth's gravity and starts moving away from it)
    'trešais kosmiskais ātrumsthird escape velocity (minimum speed at which a body can fly away from the Solar System)


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Declension of kosmiskais ātrums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative kosmiskais ātrums kosmiskie ātrumi
genitive kosmiskā ātruma kosmisko ātrumu
dative kosmiskajam ātrumam kosmiskajiem ātrumiem
accusative kosmisko ātrumu kosmiskos ātrumus
instrumental kosmisko ātrumu kosmiskajiem ātrumiem
locative kosmiskajā ātrumā kosmiskajos ātrumos
vocative kosmisko ātrum,
kosmiskais ātrum
kosmiskie ātrumi