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Ultimately from Latin currēntem.


  • IPA(key): /koronte/ [ko.rõn̪.t̪e]
  • Rhymes: -onte, -e
  • Hyphenation: ko‧rron‧te



korronte inan

  1. flow (movement of a fluid)
  2. (electricity) current


Declension of korronte (inanimate, ending in vowel)
indefinite singular plural
absolutive korronte korrontea korronteak
ergative korrontek korronteak korronteek
dative korronteri korronteari korronteei
genitive korronteren korrontearen korronteen
comitative korronterekin korrontearekin korronteekin
causative korronterengatik korrontearengatik korronteengatik
benefactive korronterentzat korrontearentzat korronteentzat
instrumental korrontez korronteaz korronteez
inessive korrontetan korrontean korronteetan
locative korrontetako korronteko korronteetako
allative korrontetara korrontera korronteetara
terminative korrontetaraino korronteraino korronteetaraino
directive korrontetarantz korronterantz korronteetarantz
destinative korrontetarako korronterako korronteetarako
ablative korrontetatik korrontetik korronteetatik
partitive korronterik
prolative korrontetzat

Further reading

  • korronte”, in Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy] (in Basque), Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language]
  • korronte”, in Orotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary], Euskaltzaindia, 1987–2005