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From Kaonde [Term?] (literally breaker of boats).




  1. (cryptozoology) A pterosaur-like cryptid of Africa.
    • 1958, Bernard Heuvelmans, On the tracks of unknown animals:
      [] the kongamato like the olitiau is in the habit of diving at men crossing its territory — perhaps trying to drive them away []
    • 2000, E. Randall Floyd, The world's 100 greatest mysteries: strange secrets of the past revealed:
      [] swamp conceals a terrifying "lizard bird" called the kongamato.
    • 2002, George M. Eberhart, Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, Volume 2:
      When crossing rivers, some of them carried amulets that would protect them from a Kongamato.
    • 2008, Oliver Ho, Mysteries Unwrapped: Mutants & Monsters:
      Also described as being like a giant bat, the Kongamato has large teeth, red leathery skin, and a wingspan of four to seven feet.