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See also: Komer



Alternative forms




Inherited from Old Spanish comer (to eat), from Vulgar Latin *comēre, restructuring of Classical Latin comedere.


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komer (Hebrew spelling קומיר)[1]

  1. (ambitransitive) to eat; to dine (on something) [16th. c]
    • 2005, Aki Yerushalayim[1], volumes 26–28, page 60:
      Se torno el haham dezesperado a su kaza i komio kon muncha ansia, despues de lo kualo metio su vestido blanko de Yom Kippur i entro al kal.
      The sagely yet desperate rabbi returned home and ate anxiously, after which he put on white clothes for Yom Kippur and entered the synagogue.
  2. (figurative, transitive) to eat away (corrode)



komer m (Hebrew spelling קומיר)[1]

  1. (countable) eating; food; meal
    Synonyms: alimento, komida
    • 2000, La Lettre Sépharade[2], numbers 1–19, La Lettre Sépharade, page 6:
      Kuando vyenen de Israel los paryentes i amigos, syempre fazemos notchadas a mi kaza kon komeres de los Sefardim i todos se konsolan komyendo guevos inhaminados, burekitas, pastilikos, bumuelos, pita di letche, tajikos i otras kumidas savurozas.
      When relatives and friends come from Israel, we always throw night parties at my house with Sephardic meals and everybody comforts theirselves eating cholent eggs, little cheese patries, [other] pastries, doughnuts, milk bread, small cuts and other savoury dishes.


  1. 1.0 1.1 komer”, in Trezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola.