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Norwegian Nynorsk




knuffa (present tense knuffar, past tense knuffa, past participle knuffa, passive infinitive knuffast, present participle knuffande, imperative knuffa/knuff)

  1. push, shove





From Middle Low German knuffen or German knuffen.



knuffa (present knuffar, preterite knuffade, supine knuffat, imperative knuffa)

  1. push, shove, nudge, jostle
    Han knuffade honom
    He pushed him
    Han knuffas
    He's pushing (people) / He's jostling
    Det knuffas där inne
    There's pushing/jostling going on in there

Usage notes

  • Would commonly be understood as a push with the hands without further context, though it can also mean pushing with other body parts. Same intuition as English push.
  • Means is pushing (delivering pushes) in the passive knuffas, which could refer to jostling for example. This form can also be used impersonally, like in the last example. See also the usage notes for -s.


Conjugation of knuffa (weak)
active passive
infinitive knuffa knuffas
supine knuffat knuffats
imperative knuffa
imper. plural1 knuffen
present past present past
indicative knuffar knuffade knuffas knuffades
ind. plural1 knuffa knuffade knuffas knuffades
subjunctive2 knuffe knuffade knuffes knuffades
present participle knuffande
past participle knuffad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

  • knuff (push, shove)

See also


