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keluar +‎ -kan





kêluarkan (active mengeluarkan, passive dikeluarkan)

  1. (transitive) to remove, take out (to move from one place to another, especially to take away)
    Dia mengeluarkan rokok dari tasnya.
    He took the cigarettes out of his bag.
  2. (transitive) to tell, express
    Senang rasanya bisa mengeluarkan isi hati saya.
    It feels good to be able to express what's on my heart.
  3. (transitive) to issue (to send out; to put into circulation)
  4. (transitive) to issue (to deliver by authority)
    Mereka mengeluarkan perintah penangkapan.
    They issued an arrest warrant.
  5. (transitive) to spend (to pay out)
    Synonym: habiskan
    Dia mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk perlengkapan sekolah anaknya.
    He spent a lot of money on his children school supplies.
  6. (transitive, of money etc.) to provide (to give what is needed or desired)
    Synonym: sediakan
    Dia yang akan mengeluarkan modal untuk usaha kamu.
    He will provide the capital for your business.
  7. (transitive) to release (to make available to the public)
    Mereka mengeluarkan kamus baru.
    They release new dictionaries.
  8. (transitive) to export (to sell goods to a foreign country)
    Synonym: ekspor
    Thailand sering mengeluarkan beras ke Indonesia.
    Thailand often exports rice to Indonesia.
  9. (transitive) to dismiss (to discharge; to end the employment or service of)
    Perusahaan itu terpaksa mengeluarkan beberapa karyawannya karena masalah keuangan.
    That company was forced to dismiss some of its employees due to financial problems.