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Old Tupi

Sunset in cerrado
Sunset in cerrado



From karuka (afternoon, evening) +‎ asy (pain), literally afternoon pain, evening pain.


  • IPA(key): [ka.ɾu.kaˈsɨ]
  • Rhymes:
  • Hyphenation: ka‧ru‧ka‧sy



karukasy (possessable)

  1. the feeling of missing someone
  2. sadness, melancholy



karukasy (noun form karukasy)

  1. wistful, sad, melancholic
    Synonym: porepîaka'ub
    • 1578, Jean de Léry, chapter XX, in Histoire d'un voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique [History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, also called America] (overall work in Middle French), La Rochelle: Antoine Chuppin, page 367:
      Ché-carouc-aſſi []
      [Xe karukasy.]
      I'm sad.
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, “Do primeiro noviſsimo, que he a morte” (chapter I), in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Oitavo dos quatro novissimos do homen [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 156:
      Ndeiteê oyoepiácaûpa ocarucacîramo.
      [Nd'e'i te'e oîoepîaka'upa, o karukasyramo.]
      It's no wonder they miss each other, becoming sad.
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, “Do primeiro noviſsimo, que he a morte” (chapter I), in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Oitavo dos quatro novissimos do homen [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 156:
      (...) cunhã (...) omẽbíra reõneme oyaceô erecô pucû, putuna yabiõ onhemoingotebémo ocarûcacíramo, xemembîrimma oyâbo, coriteĩ aibetè erecanhé xe çuî oyabo amanõipô coribe xemembira raquipoerine oyâbo cepiacaúba çuine, oyâbo (...)
      [(...) kunhã (...) o membyra re'õneme, oîase'oerekopuku, putuna îabi'õ onhemoingotebẽmo, o karukasyramo, "xe membyrĩ mã" o'îabo, "korite'ĩaibeté erekanhẽ xe suí" o'îabo, "amanõ ipó kori bé, xe membyra rakypûerine" o'îabo, "sepîaka'uba suíne" o'îabo (...)]
      (...) women (...) when their children die, remain in long mourning, every night distressing themselves, becoming sad, saying "oh, my little son", saying "in a moment you disappeared from me", saying "I will die resolutely today, after my son", saying "so as not to miss him" (...)



karukasy (2nd class)

  1. to miss someone
    Synonym: epîaka'ub
    • 1622, anonymous author, Vocabulario na lingoa Braſilica, volume 2 (overall work in Old Tupi and Portuguese), Piratininga, page 113; republished as Carlos Drummond, editor, Vocabulário na Língua Brasílica, 2nd edition, São Paulo: USP, 1953:
      Xecarucacig. (rece(.
      [Xe karukasy (abá) resé.]
      I miss someone.

Further reading
