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Alternative forms


kādu reizi



From kāds (some) +‎ reize (time).



IPA(key): [kâdreīz]

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  1. Sometime in the past; once, ever, earlier, formerly, erstwhile, used to.
    Tā māte kādreiz bija izteikusies.That's what the mother once said.
    Vai tu kādreiz esi musu noķerusi?Have you ever caught a fly?
    Viņa kādreiz šeit dzīvoja.She used to live here.
  2. Sometime in the future; someday.
    Varbūt kādreiz noderes.Maybe someday it will come in handy.
    Kas zina, varbūt dzīvē vēl kādreiz nejauši saskriesimies...Who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other someday...
  3. Sometimes, now and then.
    Viņa uztaisa pusdienas vai kādreiz atnes no savām mājām.She makes lunch, or sometimes brings it from home.
    Būtu kādreiz padomājis, ko mēs ēdisim, kāpēc man viss jāgādā un jādomā?
    Would you sometimes think about what we will eat, and why I have to prepare and think of everything?

