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  1. to pour (food in a cooking container).
    Moare burarĩ bʉojarĩ jaboáibico jatʉócoðo.
    She is putting the pieces of fish into a pot to cook them.
  2. to fish for catfish with a long rope and a stone sinker in the middle so it stays close to the river bottom.
    Curidide jaboávʉ yʉ.
    I caught catfish.
  3. to soak (clothes).
    Jipaco jaboárĩ epeðobe ñʉje cuitótecajeare tuipãvai õi memeconʉcojiye jipocai.
    My mom left our clothes to soak in the port before going to work.
  4. to float.
    Jiaðocũre jaboácarã jʉtʉrare ñʉje aðarãjiye jipocai.
    We floated the canoe before loading it with fariña.


  • N. L. Morse; J. K. Salser; N. de Salser (1999), "jaboáyʉ", in Diccionario ilustrado bilingüe: cubeo-español, espanõl-cubeo, →ISBN
  • N. L. Morse; M. B. Maxwell (1999), Cubeo Grammar: Studies in the languages of Colombia 5, Summer Institute of Linguistics, →ISBN