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See also: interpret and Interpret





Borrowed from Latin interpretem.





intèrpret m or f by sense (plural intèrprets)

  1. interpreter (one who listens to a speaker in one language and relates that utterance to the audience in a different language)
  2. performer; singer
    • 2020 September 4, Joan Callarissa, “Britney Spears s'oposa públicament a deixar que el seu pare segueixi tutelant la seva vida [Britney Spears publicly opposes allowing her father to keep custody of her life]”, in Ara[1]:
      Fa dues setmanes els tribunals van estendre la tutela legal de Spears fins al febrer del 2021, tot i que la intèrpret de Toxic va reclamar que la funció de control recaigui en mans d'una advocada especialitzada i no del seu pare, []
      Two weeks ago the courts extended Spears's legal custody until February 2021, although the "Toxic" singer demanded that control fall to a specialized attorney and not to her father, []

Further reading
