[edit]innantill (not comparable)
- (dated) internally, on the inside
- Synonym: invändigt
- not by heart; aided by written text or other information, as opposed to unaided and from memory
- Antonym: utantill
- Jag hann inte lära mig låttexten, så jag kommer att skriva ut texten och sjunga innantill.
- I didn't have time to learn the song lyrics, so I will print out the lyrics and sing reading from [a piece of paper].
- Jag hjälpte henne sammanfatta önskemålen men jag kommer ändå läsa upp dem innantill, så att det är hennes ord och inte mina.
- I helped her summarize the requests, but I will still read them aloud from writing, so that it'll be her words and not mine.
- (figurative) thoroughly, carefully, verbatim