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By surface analysis, ind +‎ hente




  1. (transitive) catch up with
    • 2007, Syv fantastiske fortællinger, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN, page 370:
      Jeg var løbet, som om det havde gjaldt livet, og havde været sikker på, at når jeg indhentede hende, så indhentede jeg også hele min svundne lykke fra Rom.
      I had run as though my life depended on it, and had been sure that, upon catching up with her, I would also catch up with all of my lost happiness from Rome.
  2. obtain information about and/or permission for a (purpose)
    Synonym: skaffe
    Jeg har indhentet de oplysninger som du bad mig om
    I have obtained that information you asked me for.

Derived terms


