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incudate (not comparable)

  1. (zoology, anatomy) Of, pertaining to or having an incus (bone of the middle ear).
  2. (zoology, of mastaxes or trophi of rotifers) That functions by prehension; used as a classification.
    incudate trophi
    • 1889, Charles Thomas Hudson, Philip Henry Gosse, The Rotifera: Or, Wheel-animalcules, Volume 1, page 120:
      The incudate trophi of Asplanchna are massive forceps quite free from an inclosing mastax, and capable in consequence of even plunging down into the oesophagus; but the forcipate trophi of Sacculus are feeble hooks and blades, inclosed in a grape-shaped mastax, and admitting of only a slight protrusion from the mouth.
    • 1967, G. Evelyn Hutchinson, A Treatise on Limnology, Volume II: Introduction to Lake Biology and the Limnoplankton, page 531:
      FIGURE 140. [] A-E with a malleate mastax in the Brachionidae and a malleo-ramate in the Flosculariaceae, mainly feed by sedimenting; F and G with virgate or incudate mastax, respectively, are more selective and raptorial.
    • 1979, Richard S. Stemberger, A Guide to Rotifers of the Laurentian Great Lakes, Volume 1, US Environmental Protection Agency, page 10:
      Forcipate and incudate trophi function in grasping.
    • 2005, Diego Fontaneto, Giulio Melone, “Do rotifer jaws grow after hatching?”, in Alois Herzig, Ramesh D. Gulati, Christian D. Jersabek, Linda May, editors, Rotifera X: Rotifer Research: Trends, New Tools and Recent Advances, Springer, page 215:
      Asplanchna priodonta (Asplanchnidae) is a planktonic predator with incudate trophi, showing a wide trophic spectrum, feeding on rotifers, protists, and various unicellular algae (Jose de Paggi, 2002).
    • 2018, Fstik Baran Mandal, Biology of Non-Chordates, 2nd edition, PHI Learning, page 198:
      In Asplanchnidae, rami are large and hooked and constitute incudate mastax, but reduced rami may be present.


  • (of or pertaining to an incus): incudal

See also


Further reading
